
bijan ghavami-kia <ghavami...@hotmail.com> skribis:

> Thank you kindly for the reply! I have one question born out of my ignorance, 
> so please be patient with me; I am looking at the various
> packages, which belong to various repos eg CRAN, TeXlive etc; 
> for the julia language..., is there a similar thing, or the packages are 
> through the julia built in package manager only (although it
> seems a very decent one https://julialang.org/blog/2019/11/artifacts/)? And 
> if so, is there a reason and is there any loss or conflict in
> relation to the guix package management interaction with these?

In general, it’s possible to use language-specific package managers on
top of Guix, modulo possible packaging bugs.

However, we generally recommend managing packages through Guix: it
brings uniformity, which is always pleasant as a user, and it brings all
the nice features of Guix to all the packages one is
using—reproducibility, transparency and provenance tracking,
transactional upgrades and rollbacks, integration with ‘guix pack’, etc.

For that, we have a set of “importers” that convert, automatically or
semi-automatically, packages from those language-specific repositories:


There’s no importer for Julia currently, but it would be a welcome

> Apologies if these are stupid queries, I am not experienced and I'm sure 
> there are simple answers

These are very valid questions.

Thank you,

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