Hi Guix,

as some of you might know, I have been granted commit access to the
repository. I will be signing my commits with the following key:

sec   rsa4096 2017-03-16 [SC]
uid           [ultimate] Jakub Kadziolka <k...@kadziolka.net>
uid           [ultimate] Jakub Kadziolka (NieDzejkob) <niedzej...@gmail.com>
ssb   rsa4096 2017-03-16 [E]

You can get a copy at https://keybase.io/niedzejkob/pgp_keys.asc or on
my Savannah profile, https://savannah.gnu.org/users/niedzejkob.

It's an honor to be on board. Thank you.

Jakub Kądziołka

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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