Dnia 2020-01-31, o godz. 18:12:07 Pierre Neidhardt <m...@ambrevar.xyz> napisaĆ(a):
> To be more specific, I have never touched pjproject. Sorry, didn't know that. > I was the 4th person so work on the Jami patch and I fixed pjproject-jami. > I sadly have no experience with pjproject beyond that. Now thats scary :D pjproject is a ghost package. I can try nagging people on pjproject mailing list, but don't know, if I'm up to the task. What should I ask them? "How to build pjproject without running make dep" or "Can I build pjproject using system libraries"? Should I learn more about build systems to be able to fix this, or is it implementation-dependent? My experience with packaging so far tells me there is no standard for build systems and every package is different. Jan Wielkiewicz