On Sat, 28 Dec 2019 10:53:33 +0100
Pierre Neidhardt <m...@ambrevar.xyz> wrote:

> Allow me to explain a little more:  
> Binaries embed a value called RPATH which points to the locations
> where to load dynamic libraries (also called "shared objects").
> When building a binary, Guix automatically sets the RPATH to that of
> the required inputs.
> Jami (indirectly) depends on both sqlite and
> sqlite-with-column-metadata.
> When the binary is started, the loader finds both "sqlite" shared
> objects in the RPATH, but it's not very clear which is one is loaded
> first.  Hence my comment.
> The wrapper aims to fix this issue by prepending
> sqlite-with-column-metadata to LD_LIBRARY_PATH, which has higher
> priority than the RPATH.  This makes sure the right library is loaded.
> Does that make more sense?

Yes, this is understandable.

Jan Wielkiewicz

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