Hi Konrad,

Konrad Hinsen <konrad.hin...@fastmail.net> skribis:

> The bigger issue is config.scm - again unrestricted Guile code, like
> manifests. That's not good for publishing because we shouldn't encourage
> anyone to run unrestricted code from untrusted sources.

It’s a conscious design choice to have configuration as code everywhere.
The alternative is to define DSLs embedded in XML/JSON/YAML, and we know
what this often leads to: feature creep, half-baked semi-general-purpose

Of course, using a general-purpose language upfront also comes at a
price, as you note.  But I think that what it has to offer to users
outweighs the costs, and that’s a lesson learned from Emacs.  Just to
say I’m not willing to replace ‘config.scm’ with ‘config.yaml’, if
that’s what you had in mind.  :-)

So I think we should address the use cases we’ve been discussing without
compromising on this fundamental choice that gives users all the power,
flexibility, and transparency of a consistent and extensible system.
And I’m sure there are ways to achieve that!


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