Dne 09. 10. 19 v 10:56 Andy Wingo napsal(a): > https://wingolog.org/archives/2019/10/08/thoughts-on-rms-and-gnu > > the best thing that he could do for GNU is to stop pretending to run > things, to instead declare victory and retire to an emeritus role.
Of course, one day he will have to retire and have to pass on his follower, who should continue on that uncompromising journey. But today is a wrong day for such step and asking him to do it now is a very bad thing which undermines free software movement. Today he needs our support, regardless your opinions on his leadership or other various topics. If he would have done it two months ago, it would be OK. If he would do it year or two later, it would be OK. But not now. FSF (and thus also GNU) was under massive attack from the outside. Lot of nasty things happened during past weeks, lot of lies and really bad journalism (or rather „journalism“), disgusting comments on Twitter and other social networks. It is a pure Evil and we must not retreat. FSF must prove that it is an independent and sovereign organization and reject such attacks and reject such requests and threats. Only this way it can preserve its moral credit and stay trustworthy organization. Franta