Hi František, and welcome,

(I’m willing to answer questions like I wrote, but if we are to have a
more in-depth conversation, I think we should not abuse guix-devel for

František Kučera <konfere...@frantovo.cz> skribis:

> you speak about „behavior“ in that blog post. But what is more
> important is whether there are any essential, factual
> differences. What would you do differently? What is your program, your
> goals? Could you declare it clearly and honestly? Could you guarantee,
> that you will be faithful to it for decades?
> Recently I wrote an article about the future of the FSF:
> <https://blog.frantovo.cz/c/377/>. Please read it and say whether you
> agree with particular items or not.

Note that the FSF and GNU are two different things.  GNU is not a formal
organization (like US 501(c) or similar), whereas the FSF is.  The FSF
is primarily concerned with activism, whereas GNU is concerned with
making those ideas practical.

Not surprisingly, I agree with all the goals you propose for the FSF,
except perhaps one: to not ‘mix our ideas with general politics’.  I
think free software is a social movement that doesn’t exist in a vacuum,
it’s politic in nature, and thus it’s part of ‘general politics’.


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