Hi Guix,

First, I would like to congratulate and thank you for the excellent work you 
are doing in the development of both Guix and this community.

Then, I'm writing today because I would be interested to have the KDE Plasma 
desktop running on Guix System.
I am willing to participate in its integration; I have already seen —roughly— 
that a good part of kde-frameworks was already packaged in the Guix depots; I 
also saw that some core parts for the desktop are currently missing.
Before I start a full diagnosis of the current situation, I would like to know: 
does someone in the team already have done so? or would perhaps be responsible 
for integrating the KDE packages? in short, have we now a good overview of the 
current situation, on where the KDE packaging process is currently at?
If there isn't any "global vision" of the state-of-the-art for the Plasma 
desktop yet, I would be happy to take care of it, by searching on the mailing 
list, testing the different parts already integrated, the necessary 
dependencies, the missing parts, etc. I'm a newby in Guile and Guix, so it 
would probably take time (and questions)

Thanks and happy hacking,
Félicien Pillot
2C7C ACC0 FBDB ADBA E7BC  50D9 043C D143 6C87 9372
felic...@gnu.org - felicien.pil...@riseup.net

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