Laura Lazzati <> writes:
> Having more topics to cover with videos is great! We should need to > change the 3 min constrain, please :P I think the 3 min constrain is necessary to make sure the videos are focussing on the essential. If we find that 3 mins isn’t enough for a topic, then the topic may be segmented into smaller topics. For people like me, watching a video requires a leap of faith: will this be a waste of time? Will it be 3 minutes of introductions that I don’t need, followed by 2 minutes of shout outs to friends, and end with 2 minutes of variants of “smash the subscribe button” …? Will this be a seminar-style talk that I need to pay close attention to? At 3 minutes the cost of a bad or irrelevant video is very small to an interested person. If by 30 seconds the video fails to indicate that it’s going to address what the person is looking for the loss of time is still acceptable. Yes, the same can be said for 3:30min, 4mins, 4:30mins… which I think are valid durations when the topic requires a little more time and cannot reasonably be split into smaller chunks. But let’s try to aim for 3 minutes. -- Ricardo