On Sat, Apr 13, 2019 at 09:56:31AM +0800, Meiyo Peng wrote:
> I have no previous experience with i18n.  What should I know in order to
> translate the Guix manual?  How do I edit the ".pot" file?  Is there an
> emacs package for the job?

emacs’ po-mode is part of gettext.

You will also need to join the Translation Project:


You need to put your translations in a .po file, not in the .pot file.
This is what I did back then (once there is a po file it is no longer
this complicated).  I am not sure if there are easier ways to test an
initial po file.

On Sat, Oct 27, 2018 at 02:55:10AM +0200, pelzflorian (Florian Pelz) wrote:
> I’m not sure what doc/htmlxref.cnf is for, but I did this to my copy
> of Guix to get the PO going, now that Julien Lepiller has paved the
> way by adding PO4A:
> cd ~/git/guix
> guix environment guix --ad-hoc po4a

Then I did this but it was not the right command:

> # if you do not have a po file yet:
> msginit -i po/doc/guix-manual.pot -o po/doc/guix-manual.de.po -l de_DE

You should not need to do this msginit.  You should instead use the po
file at the Translation Project if they have one for your language
team.  If not, then you should not use po/doc/guix-manual.pot as I did
but use the .pot file at
https://translationproject.org/domain/guix-manual.html or else the
Translation Project will not accept the po.


> # (in the newly created po file, adjust the version.texi to be
> #  version-de.texi, contributing.texi to be contributing-de.texi and translate
> #  the table of contents)
> # (adjust doc/htmlxref.cnf doc/local.mk po/doc/local.mk to list your
> #  language next to the existing translations, in lexicographic order)
> # then:
> po4a-translate -f texinfo -m doc/guix.texi -p po/doc/guix-manual.de.po \
>                -M UTF-8 -k 0 -l doc/guix.de.texi # ignore outdated warning
> po4a-translate -f texinfo -m doc/contributing.texi -p 
> po/doc/guix-manual.de.po \
>                -M UTF-8 -k 0 -l doc/contributing.de.texi # ignore warning
> ./bootstrap
> ./configure
> make # only needs to run past MAKEINFO; probably some of the GEN 
> doc/os-config…
>      # and po4a steps do the right thing
> ./bootstrap # only now bootstrap will detect that it needs guix.de.info
> ./configure
> make doc-pot-update # if desired
> make po/doc/guix-manual.de.po
> rm doc/guix.de.texi
> rm doc/contributing.de.texi
> make doc/guix.de.info

You should check if you get a working manual before submitting the po
file to the Translation Project robot’s e-mail.


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