
mikadoZero <mikadoz...@yandex.com> skribis:

> From reading the post I found it unclear what this Software Heritage
> group is and what it's relation to Guix is.

Software Heritage is a non-profit currently hosted by Inria (I work for
Inria, but I’m not affiliated with Software Heritage.)  I know the
people who work on Software Heritage and I’m sympathetic to their goals,
but other than that there’s no connection between them and Guix.  Their
web site explains their mission and goals better than I do.

The archive they maintain is centralized (although it has mirrors).
Long-term archival is something that cannot be left to peer-to-peer
networks: it’s something where you want availability guarantee, whereas
peer-to-peer storage networks usually replicate content that’s popular,
while unpopular content disappears.


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