swedebugia <swedebu...@riseup.net> writes:

> I like the idea of keeping it simple and now we tried the lumped
> modules approach. I don't like it so much to be honest.
> It comes with obvious drawbacks when the package per file grow and
> subcategorization have to be done.
> But is it efficient in guile to load hundreds of modules where all
> pull in more or less the same dependencies?
> If yes I think your idea is worthwhile Nils.
> We might have 3 repos: wip, core, extra

This is a tangent.  This thread is about removing obsolete packages.
Let’s not discuss moving packages each to their own module here.  This
has been discussed elsewhere and it’s a can of worms (which is fine if
you’re a bird, but not so good if you want to close the can again).

If you’re interested in playing with this you can do this in a local
branch and see how it behaves and what drawbacks it has.  But I don’t
think it’s a good use of our time discussing it (again).


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