Ludovic Courtès <> writes:

> Jan Nieuwenhuizen <> skribis:
>> Ludovic Courtès writes:
>> Hi!
>>> I’ve just uploaded these to
>>> <>:
>>>   linux-libre-headers-stripped-4.14.67-i686-linux.tar.xz
>>>   linux-libre-headers-stripped-4.14.67-i686-linux.tar.xz.sig
>>>   mescc-tools-static-0.5.2-0.bb062b0-i686-linux.tar.xz
>>>   mescc-tools-static-0.5.2-0.bb062b0-i686-linux.tar.xz.sig
>>>   mes-minimal-stripped-0.18-0.08f04f5-i686-linux.tar.xz
>>>   mes-minimal-stripped-0.18-0.08f04f5-i686-linux.tar.xz.sig
>> Great!
>>> Could you adjust bootstrap.scm to refer to this URL?  Currently I see
>>> bootstrap.scm refers to a different version of
>>> linux-libre-headers-stripped so it should be the only one whose hash
>>> needs to be changed.
>> I don't see that...and the hash matches.
> We’ve discussed it in person, and now I think we’re all set!  :-)

Does our documentation include instructions on how to reproducibly build
these new bootstrap binaries, to independently verify them?


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