Inspired by Ricardos commit here I rewrote most of the npm importer.
Added memoization, receive, stream->list, values and rewrote the tarball
fetcher to use only npm-uri and tarballs from the registry. Additionally
I implemented handling of scoped packages (e.g. @babel/core).
It contains less lines of code than Jelles importer.
The single import works and is a lot faster and more reliable than
before when fuzzy matching on github was used. See it in action:
1) we don't know if the registry-tarballs are reproducible.
2) filename is the same as the upstream tarball -> we should convert it
to guix-name.
3) we have to download the tarball because sha256 is not among the
hashes computed by npm. (I emailed n...@npmjs.org to ask for them to
compute it for all their tarballs :) )
Help wanted
There is a bug which only affects the recursive importer. I tried hard
finding it but I'm in way over my head and my guile-foo does not seem to
cut it with this one. :)
For recursive output it downloads but outputs #f in the end instead of
the sexps. See example output: http://paste.debian.net/1054383/
Trying to debug via the REPL I met this:
scheme@(guile-user) [1]> (npm-recursive-import "async")
$3 = #<stream ? ...>
Any ideas?
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2015 David Thompson <da...@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Jelle Licht <jli...@fsfe.org>
;;; Copyright © 2018 swedebugia <swedebu...@riseup.net>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
;;; your option) any later version.
;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with GNU Guix. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
(define-module (guix import npm)
#:use-module (ice-9 binary-ports)
#:use-module (ice-9 control)
#:use-module (ice-9 match)
#:use-module (ice-9 receive)
#:use-module (ice-9 regex)
#:use-module (ice-9 rdelim)
#:use-module (ice-9 vlist)
#:use-module (gcrypt hash)
#:use-module (gnu packages)
#:use-module (guix base32)
#:use-module (guix build git)
#:use-module (guix build-system node)
#:use-module ((guix download) #:prefix download:)
;; #:use-module (guix import github)
#:use-module (guix import json)
#:use-module (guix import utils)
#:use-module ((guix licenses) #:select (expat))
#:use-module (guix packages)
#:use-module (guix serialization)
#:use-module (guix upstream)
#:use-module (guix utils)
#:use-module (json)
#:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
#:use-module (rnrs io ports)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-11)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-9 gnu)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-9)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-34)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-35)
#:use-module (web uri)
#:export (npm->guix-package
;; For debugging in the REPL:
;;; Comment:
;;; This is the npm importer.
;;; Native-inputs are not considered by the importer at this stage because the
;;; code is adapted from the pypi importer and because they are for the most
;;; part not needed to build or use the package.
;;; We should compute and include the native-inputs and include them
;;; commented out. To be able to do this we need something (a new
;;; syntax-rule?) to pass comments in the returned sexp like this:
;;; (native-inputs)
;;; `((
;;; ;;("input" ,input)
;;; ))
;;; We should add a flag to the command line to enable import of
;;; devdependencies aka. native inputs if the user desires.
;;; Perhaps a flag to indicate max levels of recursiveness is also useful to
;;; avoid ending up with 100+ records with one command.
;;; Code
(define *REGISTRY* "https://registry.npmjs.org/")
(define (npm-fetch name)
"Return metadata from the npm registry for package NAME."
(json-fetch-alist (string-append *REGISTRY* name)))
(define (npm-tarball alist version)
"Return the *REGISTRY* tarball url for version VERSION of ALIST"
(let* ((v (assoc-ref* alist "versions" version))
(d (assoc-ref* v "dist")))
(assoc-ref* d "tarball")))
;; TODO use this to check the tarball
(define (npm-tarball-sha512 alist version)
"Return the *REGISTRY* sha512sum for version VERSION of ALIST or #f if not
(let* ((v (assoc-ref* alist "versions" version))
(d (assoc-ref* v "dist")))
(assoc-ref* d "integrity")))
(define (npm-latest-release alist)
"Return a string with the latest released version from
ALIST. E.g. '2.1.0'"
(assoc-ref* alist "dist-tags" "latest"))
(define (npm-package? package)
"Return true if PACKAGE is an npm package."
(string-prefix? "node-" (package-name package)))
(define (node->package-name name)
"Given the NAME of a package on npmjs, return a Guix-compliant name for the
package. We remove the '@' and keep the '/' in scoped
packages. E.g. @mocha/test -> node-mocha/test"
(cond ((and (string-prefix? "@" name)
(string-prefix? "node-" name))
(snake-case (string-drop name 1)))
((string-prefix? "@" name)
(string-append "node-" (snake-case (string-drop name 1))))
((string-prefix? "node-" name)
(snake-case name))
(string-append "node-" (snake-case name)))))
;; (define (blacklisted? name)
;; "Check if the string name is blacklisted. RETURN #t if yes, else #f."
;; ;; Split the string to enable ut so blacklist scoped packages like
;; ;; @babel/core and packages like eslint-popup without having to type in
;; ;; every single combination.
;; (if (or
;; ;; Catch @babel/core
;; (member (car (string-split name (char-set #\- #\/))) blacklist)
;; (member (car (string-split name (char-set #\/))) blacklist)
;; ;; Catch eslint-plugin
;; (member (car (string-split name (char-set #\-))) blacklist)
;; (member name blacklist))
;; #t #f))
(define (extract-npm-dependencies dependencies)
"Returns a list of dependencies according to the npm naming scheme, from the
npm list of dependencies DEPENDENCIES."
(if (not dependencies)
(map car dependencies)))
;; Needed when adding versioning of package inputs to maybe-inputs.
(define (sanitize-npm-version version)
"Return version without prefix."
;;FIXME sanitize other common prefixes
(cond ((string-prefix? "^" version)
(string-drop version 1))
((string-prefix? "~" version)
(string-drop version 1))
;; Does this work when version="*"?
((string-prefix? "*" version)
(string-drop version 1))
((string-ci? "*" version)
;; Return version =""
(string-drop version 1))
(define* (maybe-inputs package-inputs #:optional blacklist native)
"Given a list of PACKAGE-INPUTS, tries to generate the 'inputs' field of a
package definition. BLACKLIST and NATIVE are booleans and optional."
;; TODO add versions to avoid cyclic deps.
(match package-inputs
;; clause1 pat=the empty list
;; body
;; clause2 pat=package-inputs zero or more
((package-inputs ...)
(,'quasiquote ,package-inputs))))))
(define (list-requirements package-alist)
"Return a list of dependencies after blacklisting."
(let* ((name (assoc-ref package-alist "name"))
(version (npm-latest-release package-alist))
(curr (assoc-ref* package-alist "versions" version))
(dependencies (assoc-ref curr "dependencies")))
;; Only work with inputs for now.
(extract-npm-dependencies dependencies)))
(define (compute-inputs package-alist)
"Given the PACKAGE-ALIST of an already downloaded TARBALL, return a list of
name/variable pairs describing the required inputs of this package. Also
return the unaltered list of upstream dependency names."
(let ((dependencies
(remove (cut string=? "argparse" <>)
(list-requirements package-alist))))
(values (sort
(map (lambda (input)
(let ((guix-name (node->package-name input)))
(list guix-name (list 'unquote (string->symbol
(lambda args
(match args
(((a _ ...) (b _ ...))
(string-ci<? a b)))))
(define (make-npm-sexp name version home-page description
dependencies dev-dependencies license
source-url package-alist)
"Return the `package' s-expression for a Node package with the given string
alist DEV-DEPENDENCIES, list LICENSES and string SOURCE-URL. The alists
contain: npm-name . version"
(lambda (temp port)
(and (url-fetch source-url temp)
(receive (input-package-names upstream-dependency-names)
(compute-inputs package-alist)
(let ((name (string-downcase name))
(guixname (node->package-name name))
;; Name package guix-name-version, e.g. node-async-0.8.0
`((define-public ,(string->symbol (string-append guixname "-"
(name ,guixname)
(version ,version)
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (npm-uri ,name version))
,(guix-hash-url temp)))))
(build-system node-build-system)
,@(maybe-inputs input-package-names)
(synopsis ,description) ; no synopsis field in
package.json files
(description ,description)
(home-page ,home-page)
(license ,license)))))
(define (extract-license package-json)
(let ((license-entry (assoc-ref package-json "license"))
(license-legacy (assoc-ref package-json "licenses")))
((string? license-entry)
(spdx-string->license license-entry))
((list? license-entry)
(spdx-string->license (assoc-ref license-entry "type")))
((string? license-legacy)
(spdx-string->license license-legacy))
((and license-legacy (positive? (length license-legacy)))
`(list ,@(map
(lambda (l) (spdx-string->license (assoc-ref l "type")))
(define npm->guix-package
(lambda* (package-name)
"Fetch the metadata for PACKAGE-NAME from registry.npmjs.com and return the
`package' s-expression corresponding to that package, or #f on failure."
(let ((package (npm-fetch package-name)))
(and package
;; TODO catch errors here and leave with error message.
(let* ((name (assoc-ref package "name"))
(version (npm-latest-release package))
(curr (assoc-ref* package "versions" version))
(dependencies (assoc-ref curr "dependencies"))
(dev-dependencies (assoc-ref curr "devDependencies"))
(description (assoc-ref package "description"))
(home-page (assoc-ref package "homepage"))
(license (extract-license curr))
(source-url (npm-tarball package version)))
(make-npm-sexp name version home-page description
dependencies dev-dependencies license source-url
;; Pass the whole alist on to compute-inputs from
;; it in the next step.
(define (npm-recursive-import package-name)
(recursive-import package-name #f
#:repo->guix-package (lambda (name repo)
(npm->guix-package name))
#:guix-name node->package-name))
(define (guix-package->npm-name package)
"Given a npm PACKAGE return the name of the package on PyPI."
;; TODO - needed for the updater
;; Inspiration from pypi
;; (define (url->pypi-name url)
;; (hyphen-package-name->name+version
;; (basename (file-sans-extension url))))
;; (match (and=> (package-source package) origin-uri)
;; ((? string? url)
;; (url->pypi-name url))
;; ((lst ...)
;; (any url->pypi-name lst))
;; (#f #f))
;; From Jelle
;; (define (package->upstream-name package)
;; "Return the upstream name of the PACKAGE."
;; (let* ((properties (package-properties package))
;; (upstream-name (and=> properties
;; (cut assoc-ref <> 'upstream-name))))
;; (if upstream-name
;; upstream-name
;; #f))) ;; TODO: Use proper heuristics with package name and what-not
(define (latest-release package)
"Return an <upstream-source> for the latest release of PACKAGE."
(define upstream-name
(package-name package))
(define meta
(npm-fetch upstream-name))
(and meta
(let ((version (npm-latest-release meta)))
(package (package-name package))
(version version)
(urls (npm-tarball meta version))))))
(define %npm-updater
(name 'npm)
(description "Updater for Node Package Manager packages")
(pred npm-package?)
(latest latest-release)))