Pierre Neidhardt <m...@ambrevar.xyz> writes: > Divan <di...@santanas.co.za> writes: >> Off topic, but how did you convert this? Guessing pandoc, but it seems >> converted better then the standard, =pandoc index.org -t gfm -o >> /tmp/index.md= would do. > > This is a very good question. Indeed, Org support in Pandoc is sub-par, so I > did not use that. Instead, I've used Emacs directly and its > ~(org-md-export-to-markdown)~ function. But even then, the export result > lacked > a few elements, such as fenced code language tag or the header. > So I wrote a wrapper script to fix that automatically for me. > It's not very generic but it's a starting point. > > Here is the implementation: > > > https://gitlab.com/ambrevar/ambrevar.gitlab.io/tree/master/source/guix-packaging
This is really great and handy. I'll certainly be using this. Would be great to package something like in emacs community. A blog about converting back and forth between org and markdown would be welcome to many in the Emacs community. :) I'm slow to get around to completing your guix packaging tutorial. As a complete noob I'm very interested in this and keen to submit a few basic packages there after.