* Minimalistic Languages Every year FOSDEM allows for dev-rooms that need to appeal to a wider audience and do not overlap with other dev-rooms. Programming languages are popular and some of the large languages get their own, such as Python and Rust. See the devrooms section on
https://archive.fosdem.org/2018/schedule/ Manolis and I want to submit a plan for 'Minimalistic Languages - for big ideas' dev-room. Good examples that fit the room are - mes and reproducible builds - Guile and Guix - Guile JIT - Lua JIT - Lua for scriptable projects (example?) Anyone anything to add to this list? More ideas is better. Other languages that could fit are Forth, Smalltalk, Tcl, Rebol. Provided they have a big idea. Note that JVM languages and languages that compile to Javascript do not fit the room. They probably have their own dev-rooms anyway. Haskell and other Lisps may fit too (if they don't get their own room). We think with enough good projects our dev-room will be of interest. Pj & Manolis