Hi Tatiana,

On Wed, 4 Jul 2018 22:54:46 +0200
Tatiana Sholokhova <tanja201...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If we want to maintain a link to
> the previous page we have to filter the database table entries with to
> types of filters: one with lower bound on the id, and the other with the
> upper bound. 

Yeah, I know what you mean.

I'd suggest one of the following alternatives for implementing "Previous page":

(1) Remember all the page boundaries in the query string (or maybe hidden
form elements).  So instead of finding out where the beginning of the
previous page was all over again just remember it from before.
(2) Reverse the ordering in the query and the boundary check and run
the query, reverse the result of the query.  Handle finished result as before.
(3) Just use the browser's back button.  In fact, you can just put a
"Previous" link that presses the back button via Javascript for the time being.

I suggest (3) - and implement one of the others later.

> The current implementation of pagination works correctly but it does not
> support link to the previous page (first, and next only).


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