Björn Höfling <> writes:

> 9) Old guix version:
> Being in the newly booted system:
>  which guix:
> --> /run/current-system/profile/bin/guix
>   -> /gnu/store/111i...-guix-0.14.0-12.77a1aac/bin/guix
> That commit 77a1aac is from 2018-06-09. Why so old?
> After guix pull [quite fast!], I get it correctly from ~/.config/...
> Ah, whait, a `which guix` is correctly pointing to there, and that is finally 
> pointing to `/gnu/store/496...guix-6e65eb3a/bin/guix` But guix --version 
> reports still the old one ...
> So why is there this guix-0.14.0-12.77a1aac from one month ago? After a
> fresh installation, I want the newest Guix!

The issue here is that the installation media has no
~/.config/guix/current: it uses the "snapshot" Guix, from (gnu packages
package-management).  Which in turn installs an even older snapshot.

It is the same reason you got an older kernel than the installation
image: when building the image, you get the latest version (from your
~/.config/guix/current); but when installing, you get the version
contained in the snapshot.

So it's Guix all the way down.  A funny side effect is that if you never
`guix pull`, but keep reconfiguring, you'll gradually downgrade your
system one snapshot at a time.

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