swedebugia transcribed 1.6K bytes:
> Hi
> I use an ebook reader for reading long detailed documents and books.
> I would like a copy of the guix Manual on my reader.
> I searched a little and there seem to be no ready tool to convert info2epub.
> I found this:
> latexml --dest=$1.xml $1.tex
> latexmlpost -dest=$1.html $1.xml
> ebook-convert $1.html $1.epub --language en --no-default-epub-cover
> It makes use of latexml and ebook-converter (the command line tool that comes 
> with calibre)
> Source: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/1551/use-latex-to-produce-epub
> Any thoughts?
> -- 
> Cheers Swedebugia 


Texinfo is not LaTeX. Unless there's a Texinfo to LaTeX tool which doesn't
suck, this will be impossible. This was one of the results I found:
https://github.com/jlhg/texinfo2epub first result page on search engine.
Does not look like nothing to me?

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