On Thu, Apr 26, 2018 at 06:22:38PM +0200, Rouby Pierre-Antoine wrote:
> This patch is a importer for go packages, it's use git repository and the
> 'Gopkg.toml' file (https://golang.github.io/dep/docs/Gopkg.toml.html).

Neat! I didn't have a chance to review the code yet but I'm happy to see
progress in this area. The examples look promising! I'll review it
properly soon...

I've noticed several different dependency manifest formats for Go
software "in the wild". So, this one is specific to Go software using
the Gopkg tool?

Skimming the patch, I noticed a few places that I think could use some
explanatory comments. For example, the git-checkout procedure. Since a
few days have passed, it might be a good time for you to read it over
and write some commentary on the sections that are beginning to become
confusing, as all code does with time :)


> (define-public go-github-com-fsouza-go-dockerclient
>   (let ((commit "master") (revision "0"))

Does "master" refer to the branch? If so, we should avoid using it,
since its value will probably change over time. We should stick to
commits and tags. Tags can be changed but this is rarely done.

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