On Tue, 30 Jan 2018, ng0 <n...@n0.is> wrote:
> On Mon, 29 Jan 2018, Mark H Weaver <m...@netris.org> wrote:
>> Hi ng0,
>>> commit 57f9671d22bb4ee37962c31b9eed0ae50859398a
>>> Author: ng0 <n...@n0.is>
>>> Date:   Wed Jan 17 22:42:55 2018 +0000
>>>     gnu: Add badass.
>> [...]
>>> +  (package
>>> +    (name "badass")
>>> +    (version (git-version "0.0" revision commit))
>> [...]
>>> +    (synopsis "Hacking contribution graphs in git")
>>> +    (description
>>> +     "Badass generates false commits for a range of dates, essentially
>>> +hacking the gamification of contribution graphs on platforms such as
>>> +Github or Gitlab.")
>> Why do you think this belongs in Guix?  Do you intend to use it
> So we do have Quality Standards for software that goes into Guix
> now as in "you must be this tall to ride"? Didn't apply before
> when other people sent in what I'd consider garbage.
> I'd be okay with keeping it outside of Guix in my own repos, so
> go ahead and drop it for random reasons.

Sorry, my reply was a bit too harsh. Here's another try:

I don't have any ability to predict the taste of people.
If we decline certain software entry into Guix, we should make it
clear.. case by case? standards?
Fyi I'm using this on github and other websites that make use of
the activity graph.

We do have software in our repository that I consider trash, so
it's always subjective.

>> yourself, or do you have reason to believe that Guix users would want
>> this?
>> There's a lot of garbage out there.  Guix doesn't need to include every
>> script that someone uploaded to github.  Frankly, I'm embarrassed to
>> have a package like this in Guix.
>>         Mark

ng0 :: https://ea.n0.is
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