Manolis Ragkousis transcribed 0.4K bytes:
> Hello,
> On 12/08/2017 10:37 AM, ng0 wrote:
> > So why focus on the artifical size of optical disks, especially a
> > format that has been considered old by most if not all other distros
> > above the size of tiny distros?
> > 
> > If this may sound like harsh criticism: I'm only curious.
> > 
> 2 things come to my mind:
> 1) cds are still cheaper than dvds or blurays.

I believe you. Then this would be a classic case of
regional differences. I got strange looks last time I wanted
to buy raw CDs and a CDR/CDRW burner (or even CD-only player).
DVD is the closest thing to CD here, they go for what CDs used to
be sold here.

> 2) It's easier to find a cheap cd/dvd player than a cheap bluray player.
> Manolis

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