Hi Mark,

Mark H Weaver <m...@netris.org> skribis:

> l...@gnu.org (Ludovic Courtès) writes:
>> 91c9b5d01 * packages: 'package-grafts' trims native inputs.
> [...]
>> Long story short: we were flagging native inputs as potential sources of
>> grafts even though, by definition, native inputs are not referred to at
>> run time.
> I agree that this *should* never happen, but I see little reason for
> confidence that it never happens in actual fact.
> What would happen if a reference to a native-input *was* present in the
> build outputs?  The reason I ask is that, for security reasons, it's
> obviously very important to reliably avoid using ungrafted software at
> run time.
> I'm concerned that this recent change could cause minor
> nearly-undetectable packaging mistakes to become major security holes.

Given the examples that Tobias and Ben were quick to find, I’m afraid
you’re right and I was overconfident.  I’m reverting the change.

> One solution would be to explicitly check build outputs for references
> to native-inputs, and to force a build failure in that case.

We could do that, though I suppose a lot of packages would break.

Thanks to the quick reply,

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