There is a game my kids love playing named Secret Mayro
Chronicles.  Unfortunately, it's been unmaintained since 2012, and it
was removed from Debian because it is no longer compatible with newer
versions of libraries they package.[0]  There is a maintained fork of
the game, but it's quite different from the original (intentionally).

I have the option of compiling it using old libraries (I would have to
compile the old libraries' dependencies as well, as needed), upgrade the
game by backporting changes from the fork (which I honestly doubt I have
the time for right now, but I'll look into it), or run the game within a
VM/container running an old Debian version.

I'm going to look into what is required to backport, but if I decided to
go the first route, I would probably use Guix.  Would such a
contribution be accepted considering it packages older libraries, which
would add some cruft?  At the least, I would have to compile CEGUIĀ 0.7,
but that might need older versions of libraries itself to compile.


Mike Gerwitz
Free Software Hacker+Activist | GNU Maintainer & Volunteer
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