Hi Brendan,

Brendan Tildesley <brendan.tildes...@openmailbox.org> skribis:

> One little annoyance I have is that guix takes every opportunity to
> update the list of substitutes when guix build, guix package -u, etc...
> is run, and fills my terminal with output like:
> substitute: updating list of substitutes from
> 'https://mirror.hydra.gnu.org'... 100.0%
> substitute: updating list of substitutes from
> 'https://mirror.hydra.gnu.org'... 100.0%
> substitute: updating list of substitutes from
> 'https://mirror.hydra.gnu.org'... 100.0%
> substitute: updating list of substitutes from
> 'https://mirror.hydra.gnu.org'... 100.0%
> ...

I agree, it’s actually a huge annoyance.  It relates to grafts and how
they are implemented; I took a stab at fixing this a while back but the
approach turned out to be (mostly?) misguided:


Would be worth thinking through it again!


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