Ludovic Courtès <> writes:

> Petter <> skribis:
>> If I may make a suggestion, coming from a place of ignorance.
>> How about a stable branch that would be opt-in?
> What would be stable in the “stable branch”, packages or Guix?  :-)
> A branch where Guix itself is stable would be nice, though it would need
> careful merging from master regularly.

This would make sense.  It would require some restraint in moving
packages to different modules or breaking some underlying package
features, which would cause ABI breakage.

I do think it would be possible, though.

> A branch where packages are stable (à la Debian stable) would be too
> much work (I’m even skeptical it makes any sense given that many
> declared and undeclared security vulnerabilities get patched everytime a
> piece of software is released…).

Yeah, that wouldn’t make sense.  It’s hard enough to deal with security
issues in current software in a timely fashion.


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