On Tue, May 09, 2017 at 11:22:05PM +0200, Ludovic Court??s wrote:
> Hello Guix!
> l...@gnu.org (Ludovic Court??s) skribis:
> > There???s a problem though, called ???guix pull???.  ~/.config/guix/latest
> > currently contains 2.0 .go files.  Thus after reconfiguring GuixSD to
> > use Guix-for-2.2, running ???guix??? typically gives loads of warnings like:
> >
> >   ;;; WARNING: loading compiled file 
> > /home/ludo/.config/guix/latest/guix/derivations.go failed:
> >   ;;; ERROR: In procedure load-thunk-from-memory: No such file or directory
> With commit 838ba73d6e49bd2b1f2d4ed9329b65cc4e8c1f54, ???guix pull??? builds
> with the currently used Guile, be it 2.0 or 2.2.  To achieve that, it
> tries hard to pick 2.0 or 2.2 packages for the dependencies of Guix.

I have just wasted a few hours trying to find a way to
bootstrap the latest tree. And I got it to work haphazardly - that
means I can't reproduce what I did.

Starting from running 'guix pull' twice and essentially following the section
'Building GNU Guix from source (using Guix)' in


which used to work reliably. It all has to do with the guile upgrade. Even from
a clean git clone it won't work as expected.

Typical errors during build are

    GUILEC   gnu/packages/fcitx.go
  Exception thrown while printing backtrace:
    GUILEC   ERROR: gnu/packages/figlet.go
    In procedure public-lookup: Module named (system repl debug) does
    not exist

But I got it somehow to build. guix now lacks a version number:

  ./pre-inst-env guix --version
  guile: warning: failed to install locale
    warning: failed to install locale: Invalid argument
    guix (GNU Guix) UNKNOWN

probably because bootstrap never did the right thing. Bootstrap passes, but 

  ./configure --localstatedir=/var

complains with 

  configure: error: C preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check

And during installation:

  ERROR: In procedure stat:
  ERROR: In procedure stat: No such file or directory:

(I remember that one from earlier days, it is a missing symlink)

In all, the system feels flaky at this point. I wish we had found a
way of upgrading guile with backward compatibility. Maybe temporarily
naming it guile2.2 with matching paths would have been better.


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