Arne Babenhauserheide writes: > Wow! Congratulation on full bootstrapping of mes!
Thanks, Arne! > So we can now build mes.c with mescc driven by Guile and then use mes to > run mescc again to build mes.c? Yes, that's correcct. mes.c can be compiled with either gcc make out/mes or with [32 bit] gcc -nostdinc -nostdlib make out/i686-unknown-linux-gnu-mes or with guile guile/mescc.scm src/mes.c > out/mes.guile or with mes scripts/mescc.mes src/mes.c > out/mes.mes Now the route can go up (my first aim) - compile tcc, guile or gcc or it can go down - add separate assembly step, assembly output - use stage0+ project, esp rewrite mes.c in stage2-LISP - use/work with epsilon? or it can stay level - cleanup mescc - fix bugs - look into Nyacc - decide on psyntax Greetings, janneke -- Jan Nieuwenhuizen <> | GNU LilyPond Freelance IT | AvatarĀ®