Mathieu Lirzin writes:

> I must say that given the current agitation in Guix community for gender
> related issues, I am sorry to say that I withdraw my proposal.

Sorry to hear that.

> A majority of people in this community seems to adhere to political
> ideas related to feminism and LGBT causes and are very vocal about it.
> While I respect people having such conviction, the fact that those
> ideas/values are repeatedly presented as if every one should adhere to
> them is not welcoming for those who disagree.
> As a consequence I would rather spend my time working on Free Software
> projects that I consider more tolerant.

Wow, I'm shocked to read this!  Let me check.  Are you saying that
condoning disrespectful/non-considerate behaviour is actually
"tolerance" and preferrable when building a community?


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <> | GNU LilyPond
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