John Darrington transcribed 1.1K bytes:
> On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 08:45:27PM +0000, ng0 wrote:
>      ps Cl??ment: 'them'/'they' are pronouns if you don't know the gender 
> and/or
>      prefered pronoun of a person :)
> ... according to some. -  but most linguists, and many orators (the president 
> of 
> the Free Software Foundation being one of them) consider this to be a misuse 
> of 
> the English language and refuse to (mis)use these words for such a purpose.
> J'
> -- 
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You keep mentioning this every time it comes up. It's annoying, really.
Linguists aren't the central authority of a language.
If it's bothering you that much, this is on topic as it is in the
documentation of Guix, and there are several ways to express gender
neutral pronouns in some languages. "According to linguists" what a
larger group of people in Germany uses is also a misuse of the language.
Do they care? No.

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