
To confirm, I've now placed a reservation for Saturday 4 February at
19:30 at a Lebanese restaurant called Al Jannah.  I haven't been there
before, but the menu looks diverse, the prices good and the location
relatively central.


Rue Blaes 59, Brussels 1000, Belgium

There is a direct tram line from ULB to Louise, and then it's a 5-10 min
walk.  From there it's probably around 15 min walk to the central
station where there are trains to Antwerp.

List of attendees:
Leo, Catonano, Amirouche, Efraim, Tomáš, Thomas, Tobias, Christopher
Baines, Manolis, Ludo, Ricardo, Matias and myself.

Let me know if I missed you, or if you have questions!

For now, until then :-)


Alex Sassmannshausen writes:

> Hello,
> Guile has a dev room at FOSDEM this year — for a whole day!  The dev
> room will be on Sunday.
> Whilst organising it, we had the idea that it would be fun to have a
> Guile/Guix user & dev dinner on the Saturday evening.  I'm hereby
> officially opening registration for that :-D
> I have not chosen a restaurant yet, but it will be something that
> provides a varietary of dietary options (omnivore, veggie, vegan).  If
> you are interested in coming along, just drop me a line to confirm.
> So — who's in for Guile social dinner on Saturday 4 February 2017 in
> Brussels?
> Best wishes,
> Alex

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