John Darrington <> skribis:

> On Thu, Nov 24, 2016 at 07:17:42PM +0100, Julien Lepiller wrote:
>      +(define (serialize-string field-name val)
>      +  (serialize-field field-name val))
> I find it useful to allow such fields to take the value #f and meaning
> that they will be ignored by their respective serialize- procedures.
> For example:
>   (define (serialize-string field-name val)
>    (if val
>      (serialize-field field-name val)))
>      +(define (serialize-boolean field-name val)
>      +  (serialize-string field-name (if val "yes" "no")))
> Some configs require "true" and "false" instead of "yes" and "no".  So perhaps
> this can be generalised a little.

Probably, but this patch is just about moving code around.  :-)


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