
Luis Felipe López Acevedo <felipe.lo...@openmailbox.org> skribis:

> I cloned the website to try a fix for bug #22115, and wanted to ask
> first what process do you follow to try out the whole website locally?
> When I build and serve the website with Haunt, I face the following
> problems:
> 1. Pages don't load static files because they are looking for the
> "static" directory in "/software/guix/static". Do I need to set some
> variable first?

To test locally, you need to do:

  $ GUIX_WEB_SITE_LOCAL=yes haunt build
  $ haunt serve

There should be no broken links, except for links to the manual or other
parts of gnu.org.

I suppose this should go to README…

> 2. The Packages and Packages Issues pages, which are defined in (www
> packages) are commented out. How do you deal with those in
> development?

That’s on purpose, so that people don’t need to have Guix installed to
hack on the web site.

We build these pages separately using the ‘export-web-page’ procedure.



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