
Am 01.10.2016 um 14:38 schrieb rennes:
> this patch is gnome-clocks application.

Thanks for these patches. Please put both of them into
gnu/packages/gnome.scm, since they are gnome-related. We do not add a
file for each package.

Schönen Gruß
Hartmut Goebel
Dipl.-Informatiker (univ), CISSP, CSSLP, ISO 27001 Lead Implementer
Information Security Management, Security Governance, Secure Software

Goebel Consult, Landshut

Blog: http://www.goebel-consult.de/blog/verschlusselte-mailingslisten
Kolumne: http://www.cissp-gefluester.de/2012-02-bring-your-own-life-glosse

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