Hi Ludo,

> I was hoping we could come up with a way to generate a kernel config,
> either based on ‘allmodconfig’ or something like what NixOS does [0],
> but I’ve become pretty convinced that this would be difficult at best.

What difficulties did you encounter with using allmodconfig as a basis?

> NixOS has a nicer way to express this, but long ago people thought it might 
> be fragile.

I agree that how nixos does it seems a little fragile. From what I've
heard the kernel settings and their defaults change frequently with
each release. This is why I think relying on the kernel devs to
provide reasonable defaults makes more sense IMO.

I'd like to make it easy to build custom kernels, I remember using an
auto detect config feature a while back when using arch. But before
working on that I need to actually transition to guixsd...

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