> What does this mean for us?  Should we offer two packages?  Or is this
> only needed for developer users of this package?  I’m inclined to just
> drop this comment.  What do you think?

I only install the binary and no library so it doesn't really matter. We can 
drop the comment - if we should need the library later we can find the comment 
in the mailing list archives.

> We prefer to have the full commit here and abbreviate it in the version
> string.  We usually also add a “revision” or “guix-revision” variable
> (starting at 0 or 1).  That’s easier to update than having to modify the
> version string directly each time the commit changes.

Yeah, back then I didn't take care of it. Sorry. Please add.

> “'check” (with the leading quote indicating that it is a Scheme symbol)
> is a phase name in Guix.  It would be less confusing if the comment just
> said
>    “no check target”


> “install-file” does not need to be given a target file name, just a
> target directory.


> > +    (home-page "http://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~alanmi/abc/";)
> > +    (synopsis "Sequential Logic Synthesis and Formal Verification")  
> Let’s put this in lower case (except for the first word).
> Thanks again!  Would you like me to take care of the changes or would
> you prefer to send an updated patch?

Yes please do.

Note that Leo also proposed to write

    (license (license:non-copyleft 

as license.

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