Leo Famulari <l...@famulari.name> writes:

> On Sun, Jun 26, 2016 at 03:14:06PM -0400, Kei Kebreau wrote:
>> Leo Famulari <l...@famulari.name> writes:
>> > If this issue doesn't break the primary use case of Orage, or cause
>> > problems besides the failure of 'View > Globaltime', then this issue
>> > should not block packaging, in my opinion.
>> So I can push Orage and figure out the issue with globaltime later?
> I think so, if it meets the conditions above.
> Of course it would be best if it worked. I didn't find the globaltime
> source but according to [0] it is part of Orage. Maybe it would be
> helpful to run Orage with strace and see how it's failing.
> [0]
> http://linux.die.net/man/1/globaltime

Interestingly enough, I just built orage on my machine and globaltime
works fine. I'll rebuild it a few more times to make sure that it is
reproducible. If so, it will be pushed later on.

Thank you!
Kei (GPG Key: 4096R/E6A5EE3C19467A0D)

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