Alex Kost <> skribis:

> As a user can move to a package definition (with "guix edit"), (s)he can
> also want to go to a license definition (why not?).  This patchset adds
> this possibility in 3 places:
> 1. As a standalone command (analog of "M-x guix-edit"):
>    M-x guix-find-license-definition

I think this is a fine name.  :-)

> 2. As a button to *Guix License Info* buffer (this buffer appears, for
>    example, when you press a license button in a *Guix Package Info*
>    buffer).
> 3. As an "e" key in *Guix Licenses* buffer (this buffer appears after
>    "M-x guix-licenses").  I bound it to "e" because it is essentially
>    the same thing as "edit" for packages, which is bound to "e" in a
>    *Guix Package List* buffer.  I don't like "e" key actually, but it is
>    for the same "edit" bug.


I think perhaps ‘guix-view-license’, which would open the license text
(probably via a browser pointing at the URL of the <license>) would be


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