Doesn't gcc also belong in this category?


On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 01:54:24PM -0400, Thompson, David wrote:
     Haskell, OCaml, Chicken, and other compilers that we package have a
     serious issue that many of us are aware of: they cannot be built from
     source!  They rely upon pre-built binaries of the same compiler.  I
     understand that it's very inconvenient to not have these compilers
     available to us, and all of the software that is written in their
     respective languages, but I feel like all of our work is undermined by
     making exceptions for them.  I would like to remove compilers that
     don't have a bunch of dependent packages yet such as Chicken until
     upstream fixes the issue.  But we have tons of Haskell packages and a
     handful of OCaml packages and it would be heartbreaking to some to
     remove all of that hard work.
     What can we possibly do to avoid being yet another distro that relies
     on a bunch of blobs (leaving the *true* bootstrap binaries out of it
     for now)?
     - Dave

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