Nils Gillmann <> skribis: > In this case I have to disagree. > I would if I could, but I had a conversation with Christian about > it*. The most useable GNUnet right now for us is the SVN
[...] > From my perspective I want people to have a good experience of > trying out (that's the way you should put it at this stage with > this gnunet-setup and no applications like SecuShare being ready) > the GNUnet. You experience will be outdated with 0.10.1, Right, but my point is that it is up to GNUnet as a project to send users the right message. As a user, I expect to use releases rather than pick an arbitrary commit. As a distro, our job is not to choose the commit that will give users “a good experience”; this is upstream’s job. IOW, we must tweak Christian et al. into making a new release. :-) Now, it’s not the end of the world if we provide a development snapshot of GNUnet, and it’s a win if people find it useful. But we must keep in mind that this is an exception. Does that make sense? Ludo’.