Leo Famulari <l...@famulari.name> skribis:

> When Florian was publishing substitutes from fps.io, there was a problem
> with `guix publish` in practice.
> I set my daemon to use '--substitute-urls=http://fps.io,
> http://hydra.gnu.org', or something like that (I don't remember the
> syntax). If a desired substitute was not available on fps.io,
> hydra.gnu.org would not be queried.
> Since Florian was not building continuously with Hydra, his server
> became less useful as his set of binaries diverged from those available
> on hydra.gnu.org.
> Was this ever fixed?

There’s an open bug report, but I think it’s really for a corner case:

I use another substitute server after hydra.gnu.org and it works fine


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