> Hosting a .deb file on our own server that users could download and > install with dpkg would be perfect for us.
Actually the best thing to do would be to put the debs into a signed repository, for example https://mirrorer.alioth.debian.org/ is a utility that lets you create your own apt-gettable repositories. The guix on debian instructions would then be: apt-key add (signing key) add "deb http://<server>/debian guix main" to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/guix.list apt-get update apt-get install guix this allows apt-get update to get new versions. The nix hydra paper implies that it can build packages and installers for non- nix systems. I assume the guix version can as well? > Thanks for the hard work, Diane! You're welcome, I'm glad this may be useful to others. :) Diane