On Mon, 22 Feb 2016 22:11:25 +0100
Danny Milosavljevic <dan...@scratchpost.org> wrote:

> I've got a problem on an X200 where, after I did standby 3 times, it will 
> wake up fine but at the first larger disk access hang the machine.

Also, is kdump crashkernel supported in GuixSD?

The minimal support would be:
  pass kernel command line option "crashkernel", for example crashkernel=256M.
  This reserves a region of memory not to be touched by anyone but the crash 
analyzer (especially not by DMA).

Better support would be (see linux/Documentation/kdump/ ):
  Enable CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO in the kernel config. The remaining are all already 
active in GuixSD.
  For x86_64, after booting, run
        kexec -p kernelimagefile --initrd=... --append="root=... 1 irqpoll 
maxcpus=1 reset_devices"

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