-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: gnunet-gtk
Local Time: December 6 2015 10:43 pm
UTC Time: December 6 2015 9:43 pm
From: mista.ta...@gmx.net
To: guix-devel@gnu.org

On 12/06/2015 02:05 PM, anonymiss wrote:
> I wonder if somebody is working on gnunet-gtk or if this is a package
> I could get involved with in GuixSD packaging?

Hi, I don't know whether anyone's working on that package, but I'd like
to see it, just to play a little more with gnunet.. So I for one would
welcome a gnunet-gtk package for whatever it's worth :)


Okay, so now I have a reason to look more into guix and scheme/guile. I'll 
start working on it tomorrow, as a personal task to learn guix packaging and 
getting involved, as I really like where this GNU project seems to go.

(also protonmail really needs to work on more options for how to reply to lists 
etc, it breaks my flow of answering emails, especially when it's webclient 
only. partly I regret switching to it.)

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