l...@gnu.org (Ludovic Courtès) writes:

> Mathieu Lirzin <m...@gnu.org> skribis:
>> Here is the snippet of the code producing this warning:
>>               (format (current-output-port)
>>                       (N_ (N_ "A single dependent package: ~2*~{~a~}~%"
>>                               "Building the following package would ensure 
>> ~d \
>> dependent packages are rebuilt; ~*~{~a~^ ~}~%"
>>                               total-dependents)
>>                           "Building the following ~d packages would ensure 
>> ~d \
>> dependent packages are rebuilt: ~{~a~^ ~}~%"
>>                           (length rebuilds))
>>                       (length rebuilds) total-dependents rebuilds)
>> I'm not sure how Gettext plural forms should be used so:
>> - If the code is correct, I think we should provide a comment announcing
>>   the warning and explaining why this is OK.
>> - else, how can we fix it?
> I believe commit 14649b8 fixes it.  It was not obvious at first sight
> how to untangle this, but making it two separate ‘format’ calls does the
> trick.

Thanks for fixing it.

Mathieu Lirzin

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