Adam Pribyl <> skribis:

> 1) doc: I would suggest to put in the doc (on tty2) to put the
> commands that should be used during installation on the separate lines
> e.g.:
> "
> o install the system, you would:
>     Configure the network, by running ifconfig eno1 up && dhclient eno1
> "
> should be
> "
> o install the system, you would:
>     Configure the network, by running
>       ifconfig eno1 up && dhclient eno1
> "
> This really helps when one is quickly scanning the installation
> procedure to find the desired commands.

Indeed.  Done in 235cba8.

> 2) I do sometimes see a guix deamon to spit a
> "spurious SIGPOLL"
> message. I do not know what it means.

It’s a harmless annoyance, but we should fix dmd to redirect the
daemon’s standard output.

> 3) I do see the process of installtion beeing from time to time
> aborted due to "can not resolve" (sorry the message is
> not exact).

What networking driver were you using?  Normally, if dhclient works
correctly and there’s no network issue, that shouldn’t happen.

> 4) would be nice if installation image includes mouse (gpm) support -
> I did not found and easy way to copy the content from installation
> guide.

Good idea, done in ae7ffa9.  I set it to use the ‘ps2’ protocol, which
apparently works for USB HID mice.  I hope that’ll be fine.

> 5) after default installation and reboot, grub loads the kernel, but
> the boot ends with
> "waiting for "root" device to appear"
> erroring out as it can not be found.
> This was caused by the label "root" missing on /dev/sda1 partition,
> even thou it is specified in config.scm.

Yeah, the root partition must be created with ‘mkfs.ext4 -L the-label’.
I’ll make that command more clearly visible in “System Installation.”

> 6) At first I had troubles with name resolution in the installed
> system. All address translation requests do end with "host not
> found". I have to explicitely ask with bind-utils host command, then
> the name is cached and I can use it. After some more package
> installation, that brought in the glibc or something and reboot it
> started to work OK?! (Related to 3?)

This is weird.  Does the system use dhclient or wicd?  Is it WiFi or

Thanks a lot for your feedback.  It’s insightful, as usual!


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