
Roel Janssen <r...@gnu.org> skribis:

> For a bachelor's degree in software engineering, I have to do an
> internship. Naturally, I would like to contribute to a GNU project, and
> my particular interest goes to GNU Guile and/or GNU Guix, because
> I think Scheme is an elegant language, GNU Guix is great for a user's
> freedom as well as a beautiful approach to package management, and I've
> had a very pleasant experience interacting with the people working on
> this project (thank you so much). 
> The internship should be in the form of a project that can be done in
> about 800 hours (spread over 20 weeks) of work. For this I need:
>  * a mentor who has at least two hours a week (~ 40 hours in total) time
>  for guiding me;
>    - This should take place from February 15, 2016 to July 17, 2016
>  * the assignment must cover three cycles of the software engineering
>  lifecycle (roughly speaking: [Maintain/analyse/advise/design/implement]
>  a software system).
>  * A subproject that I can work on by myself (with a little guidance
>  from a mentor)
> If anyone could help me, I can provide the GNU Guix project with:
>  * 800 hours of work on the project (minus some overhead of writing and
>  doing presentations at my university);
>  * Some exposure of this project to people at my university;
>  * After completion I would like to continue contributing to the
>  project.
>  * Free beers (or non-alcoholic drinks) at FOSDEM, in case anyone of
>  this project will be there.

This sounds interesting!  It’s nice that your university gives you this

You’d need to find a project that goes from design to implementation.
That sounds a bit like a GSoC project in scope, so you might want to
look at ideas that were previously discussed.  For example, it could be
a UI for the GuixSD installation process, say using guile-ncurses.

It would be best if you could familiarize yourself with Guix{,SD} and
the associated tools and APIs.  Maybe ideas would naturally pop up as a
result of frustration or enthusiasm.  ;-)

Once that is defined, we could probably find a mentor, preferably not me.



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