Christopher Allan Webber <> skribis:

> I decided it might be useful to list properties I think such a system
> should provide.  So, here's Userops Acid Test v0.1:

Thanks for thinking it through and coming up with this check list, I
think it’s a great idea!

Random comments:

  • You’re well aware of this, but I think mentioning simply “free
    software” or “freedom-enhancing software” etc. would make item #0
    even more obvious; mentioning “open source” doesn’t help IMO.

  • I think 2.a. could be labeled “Verifiable packages”, because that’s
    really what it’s about.

  • A friendly GUI à la YouNoHost is a very good idea.  But I think
    ideally the user interface should make it easy for users to get
    closer to the code, à la Emacs, which can be challenging.  GUIs have
    a tendency to draw too sharp a boundary between the experts who
    implemented it and those who use it.  Everyone should be empowered.

  • The term “scriptable” reminds me of that user/developer boundary, as
    in scriptable applications where experts use the language of the
    wizards (C!) while normal people are left with a less capable
    programming interface.  I prefer to think of “hackability.”

Deployment power to the people!  :-)

> I'm interested in helping get Guix to this state; there are some things
> that Guix does currently on this list really well, and some things it's
> really lacking at the moment.  Anyway, since I'm going to be working on
> that more over the next few months, I thought I'd make note of this list
> here... maybe others will find it interesting!

Now that’s exciting news!


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