
Mathieu Lirzin <m...@openmailbox.org> skribis:

> I failed to retrieve the post where this rule has been suggested (if
> there is one), so I don't know the rationale behind it.

I don’t think it was discussed at the time.  It’s just that I like
‘package’ and ‘origin’ indented like ‘begin’, I think it’s more pleasant
to the eye.  :-)

> My personnal opinion is that for the sake of simplicity and column
> saving we should remove it. But Whatever the final decision is, I
> think it's important to be consistent at least in the manual and the
> importers.

It’s a good idea to have the manual conform to the rule.

Other than that, I think it’s no big deal if some packages don’t follow
exactly this rule.  I encourage people to follow this rule, but I prefer
a patch that violates it than no patch at all.  I guess it’s about
finding the right balance between nitpicking and welcoming.  ;-)

Importers render code with (ice-9 pretty-print), which is quite
primitive, so they cannot follow sophisticated rules.

So apart from the manual, I wouldn’t change anything.
What do people think?


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