Siniša Biđin <> skribis:

> On 2015-08-23 22:47, Eric Bavier wrote:
>> I had to replace "Exec=/etc/X11/Session/xmonad" with "Exec=xmonad"
>> in this xmonad.desktop file in order to launch an xmonad session from
>> Slim.  Does this seem right?
> Definitely!


>> Does it make sense to fetch this file
>> from and then modify it? or should we rather just
>> generate it
>> ourselves?  What do you/others think?
> I had followed ratpoison's example (also using, but it does
> feel dirty. I'm fine with generating it or having it stored in guix's
> repo,
> but couldn't find an example of any other package doing the same.

I think “generating” it (or having it as a string literal) in the source
is preferable.

>>> +    (propagated-inputs
>>> +     `(("ghc-mtl" ,ghc-mtl)
>>> +       ("ghc-utf8-string" ,ghc-utf8-string)
>>> +       ("ghc-extensible-exceptions" ,ghc-extensible-exceptions)
>>> +       ("ghc-x11" ,ghc-x11)))
>> Do these inputs need to be propagated?  I can start up an xmonad
>> session without propagating these inputs.  Do they need to be available
>> for xmonad's 'mod-q' (i.e. restarting xmonad/loading a new config)?
> I think so, yes. For one, since xmonad is an executable and a library,
> if
> we don't propagate, "ghc-pkg list" will report it as broken.

Makes sense to me.

Could you post an updated patch that addresses these two things?

TIA, and sorry for the delay!


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